
Hope Eternal Animal Rescue–Why We Do What We Do…..

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Why We Do What We Do…..


Truth be told I’ve been doing rescue now for decades (where does the time go???)  I thought I’d heard it all.  Turns out, I haven’t.  One night a few weeks ago, we were driving home and saw a small brown dog tearing down the middle of the road.  We stopped, of course, and he ran right up to my husband. We put him in the car and realized he had a collar and a tag–oh good, we thought.  Well, not so good.   We called.  They called back the next day.  From vacation.  They had left the little dog in the yard to fend for himself.  When we said we had him the owner said ‘Just shoot him, I don’t want him back.’  That’s a direct quote.

Needless to say, that did not happen.  Meet Batman, he is an AWESOME little dog.  So grateful to be inside, cared for, fed and loved.  He’s a Doxie mix, about 3 1/2 years old.  He’s about 12 pounds and is very sweet and loving.  He’s heartworm positive, so he’s undergoing treatment at this time, but will be ready for his new home shortly.  It’s clear he’s been beaten as he cowers if you raise your hand, but he shows no aggression, he just cowers and once he realizes you mean him no harm, he is a snuggle bug.    Won’t you show him that he can have the wonderful home he deserves?


Parker also needs a home:  Parker came to us from a local kill shelter.  He’s a small, sweet terrier mix (as you can see from below, he loves kids).  He’s active, but not wild and need an active household (children of his own to play with would be very much appreciated).  He is about 2 years old and is neutered, up to date on shots and ready to go!

Update on Trooper

Trooper has a new home!  Check him out with his new sister!

Look at him now–can you believe it????  After  treatment by our wonderful vet (Dr. David Sewell at Crestview Animal Hospital),  Trooper looks fabulous and is completely well!  Thanks for all your support and kind thoughts!


We’ve had a busy summer, and things just aren’t slowing down.  We got a call from a shelter in rural Alabama.  A little dog with terrible mange had been owner-surrendered.  To make matters worse, his owner had tried an old folk remedy for mange–pouring burnt motor oil on it.  (THIS DOES NOT WORK AND IS VERY HARMFUL TO THE ANIMAL).  We got the call and couldn’t say no.  We’ve named him Trooper because he will need to be to get through this.

The mange is treatable, but he has a severe case, so that will mean several vet visits.  In addition, since the mange is worse on his head, the motor oil was poured over his eyes–they need to be evaluated and treated for any damage.

We are very low on funds and ALL our funds go to the animals–we have no paid staff, only dedicated volunteers who give of their own time and funds to care for these little guys.  Can you donate to Trooper?

He heads to our vet Monday and then will be fostered by one of our dedicated volunteers.  We will keep everyone updated.

Hope Eternal Animal Rescue is a non-profit (IRS 501-C-3) organization. All donations are tax deductible. Please click below to donate now.






It has been quite the summer for us….very good, but very busy,,,,as you can see from how behind I’ve been in updating our webpage.  We’ve taken in many new fosters, almost all of which have come to us with heartworms (please remember your monthly heartworm preventative year-round in the south!)


CiCi, our rescue from Arts and Crafts (below)…what a story with her….we haven’t had  dog in our house in YEARS that has played with a tennis ball….one day, about a week after she arrived, CiCi jumped up on the couch with one in her mouth  My husband said “I guess she’s had that in her pocket all week!”  We had NO idea where it came from.  Turns out, tennis balls are her passion, as we discovered and CiCi, I’m delighted to say, has gotten her furever home with a great Mom and Dad who love to take her to the dog park and play with her and her tennis ball..


And Arts and Crafts was another example of why we DO WHAT we Do!

Meet Cici….about halfway through Arts and Crafts three teenage girls walked up to our table carrying a terrified, trembling little dog.  They found her running loose in downtown Fairhope and had tried in vain to find her owners.  They had then taken her to the three other rescue groups at the festival asking for help, but no one would help them.  They asked us if we would.

Of course.  Is there any other answer?  This is why we do what we do.

Cici was terrified but sweet, and clean, well fed and groomed.  We thought surely we’d find her owners even though she had no collar.  We immediately took pictures and put up signs all over town.  We had her scanned for a microchip but there wasn’t one.  We called the shelters in the area and animal control on Monday when they opened but no one was looking for her.  (We left our contact info but still no calls).  We called local vets–nothing.  By late Monday it became clear, someone had simply dumped this precious little girl to fend for herself.

As you can see, she’s settled into her foster home quite nicely.  She’s been tested for heartworms and intestinal worms and was negative, so someone, at one time, cared enough to take care of her.  Her teeth desparatly needed cleaning so we’ve had that done (unfortunately those hadn’t been taken care of so she lost 6, but she can eat just fine).  She goes in another week to be spayed then will be ready for her fur-ever home.

CiCi says THANKS to those three young ladies who cared enough to chase her down, pick her up and be persistant enough to find US to take her.  THANK YOU ladies!

If you’d like to be her fur-ever home, please contact us!


We could not do what we do without YOUR support!  We have a great supporter in Elite Too Salon and its owner Dede!  Dede adopted a dog from us, Pipi, several years ago and has been a great supporter ever since!

In December, the salon offered a discount off their services in exchange for a donation to Hope Eternal Animal Rescue. It was a great success.  We can’t thank them enough for donating from their time, energy and profits to help homeless animals!

We Need Foster Homes!

Our rescue takes animals from kill shelters;  those who are about to be euthanized, fosters them in foster homes, then places them in fur-ever homes.

The need; the requests;  the animals that come to us everyday by email or phone calls that need to be pulled from shelters is HUGE and we simply cannot take enough.  WE NEED FOSTER HOMES!

Our primary limitation to the number of animals we can save is the number of foster homes we have.  We need more foster homes.  Would you like to be one? What does it involve for you?  You bring an animal into your home (sometimes picking up from the shelter) and care for him or her until they are placed.  This involves taking them to the vet, teaching them basic skills (if they don’t have them;  many come to us fully trained), and, of course, loving them.

We pay all the vet bills related to the furbaby.

Are you interested in fostering? If so, please reach out.  We need you!





Why we do what we do…

Donate $20 or more and receive a free t-shirt.

We have t-shirts now!  The shirts say “Rescued. My favorite breed” on the front and have our logo and website at the back (very top)…see pictures below.  Donate $20 or more and receive a free t-shirt (sizes:  Women’s Medium, Large, and XLarge;  Men’s Medium, Large, XLarge and XXLarge). These are wonderful thick t-shirts!



Donate via the paypal link below and, upon checkout specify the size and shipping address and I will ship to any address in the continental U.S.



People meet me and, generally sometime early in the conversation they find out I have dogs….the natural question, what kind?  When I answer I have 5 permanents and do rescue, so I also have fosters….their eyebrows raise with the often unspoken question…”WHY?”

I’ve been doing rescue for almost 20 years now…I don’t know how it started except I’ve always picked up animals off the side of the road. Eventually animals starting finding me…then vets who had an owner in wanting them to ‘put their (healthy) dog to sleep’  because…fill in the reason…they are moving and can’t take him, they had a baby, or he doesn’t match the new furniture (yes, that’s a true story) and on and on.  Before I knew it, I was doing dog rescue even though, at the time, I didn’t even know it had a name.

So when asked why I do what I do I respond that it’s what I am passionate about. It’s my calling.  I cannot not do it.  Until their are no more animals in shelters, dying, daily, because they don’t have homes or until I go to the great dog park in the sky, I will do rescue.

The real reason I do it is in their stories….

Meet Buster. Buster was a tiny little guy, about 8 weeks old, when someone tied him up, alive, in a black garbage bag and put him in the trash.  The garbage men collected the trash and were about to crush it in their truck when they, amazingly, heard something whining.  It was Buster.  Can  you imagine?  A little life so carelessly disposed of.

Thanks to those nice men, he was saved.  He came to us and now has the perfect family of his own!

Meet Max.  Max was a 4 pound yorkie, used as a breeder dog in a puppymill for years before he was a rescue.  In order to make him a better breeder someone cut the outerskin off his man parts.  His feet had never touched grass when I got him.  His favorite thing to do was to lay in the sun…


Meet Grady.  Grady was already elderly when someone moved from their house and locked him inside, with a Bulldog, alone, no food or water.  Grady was flea and tick infested, anemic from the blood loss, almost starved, and heartworm positive when we got him.  (The Bulldog did not make it, sadly).  Grady was saved and adopted by a lovely couple.  He spent several years in retirement with them riding in their RV…a happy little guy!  (He’s the one on the left in the pic below).



They are why I do rescue…every one that comes to us has a story.  Every story deserves to be told and everyone deserves a home.

If you would like to help us continue our mission, there are many ways. We need foster homes, and donations.  You can donate via the link below, or for more information on how to help, click on the how you can help us link above.  Thank you.  Your generosity makes it all possible!

Hope Eternal Animal Rescue is a non-profit (IRS 501-C-3) organization. All donations are tax deductible. Please click below to donate now.




  1. says:

    It’s INCREDIBLE what you do. I’ve seen the look in people’s eyes as they fall in love with their new pets… but more importantly, I’ve seen the gratitude in your rescues’ eyes as they realize the great life ahead of them and the tragedy they have avoided.

    Keep up the GREAT work!

  2. Dede McClure says:

    THANK YOU, MICHELLE!!I have one of your babies and am so grateful to have her and to have found you!! YOU ARE AWESOME!! What a heart!!

  3. Michelle says:

    Thanks Dede….Pippi has a great home with you and an awesome big sister in Dani!

  4. Barbara Westlake-Kenny says:

    Hey, I met you and a few of your sweet babies at Lakewood 400 Antiques on Saturday. I am interested in adopting Little Bit, but my husband and I are going on a couple of trips this spring, so we really should wait until June so that our new baby will get in a lot of bonding time (no more trips for us until November). I don’t know if you can hold Little Bit until then or not. If she finds another home in the meantime, it was meant to be
    . I also want to help out Miss Rosie, so I am giving a donation after writing this note. Please keep us updated on Rosie. I have a special love for older dogs, and could maybe give her a loving home. With Love, Barbara

  5. Tonie says:

    You do such a great job , I will never forget the day I saw Benjie at the Library rescue . I was lucky enough to be the little guys Mom for 9 wonderful years .
    Thank You again .

  6. Millie Banks says:

    I too am one of those animal people and something about Rosie just pulled my heartstrings. Pomeranians have always caught my eye because they are related to American Eskimos which I love dearly. It may be that I could take Rosie but I need to think about my other two dogs and how it will affect them. In a day or so I will decide and check back with you.

    Millie Banks 678-717-8231

  7. Debbie Smith says:

    Thank you so much for what you do!! I am so ecstatic that Ritzy is looking so good and has continued to heal. He is come a long way from that forlorn little bedraggled guy I found in the parking lot, and he looks terrific. Thank you, thank his new owners – you are all angels!

  8. Marie says:

    So happy for Rosie!!! She’s come a long way and deserves a wonderful family and home!! When you adopt a rescue dog, two lives are saved. The dog you adopt and the dog you made room for in the rescue. We’ve made a donation in honor of Rosie!!! Thank you Michelle for the great work you do!

  9. Michelle says:

    Thanks Marie; You have been an awesome supporter of our rescue and Rosie…we can’t thank you enough!

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February 19, 2025